in public

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A cat with a grimace stares out
Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

People are crazy, lazy, and gross at times.

It's one thing if they do it at their own home, but people are out and about asking this way. In public!

I should probably just come to terms with it, already.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to call you out.

I will follow you out of the bathroom to shame you if you don't wash your hands.

Also, pick up after your dogs.

And your kids.

Have you no decency?!

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People Share The Worst Ways They've Been Embarrassed By A Child
Image by Amber Clay from Pixabay

I love the reactions of parents when their little precious one utters its first words; it's like a high holy holiday. Parents can't get over that moment. From the second we are born we're trained to start gabbing. Communication is key in life, and once that milestone takes off, it's all pride and fun... until it's not.

My favorite parent reaction is when precious spits out some naughtiness in public, then parents cower in shame. And I'm like... what'd you expect, that's what you asked for, their using their words. That's you fault.

Redditor u/Great-Plateau wanted to hear from parents about those times kids have left them wanting to throttle by asking... What's the worst way you've been embarrassed by a child?
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People Break Down The Stupidest Reason A Random Stranger Got Upset With Them
methodshop from Pixabay

Whatever happened to depending on the kindness of strangers?

Often times it feels like every stranger is my own personal comic book villain.

It says a lot about us as a society when something as simple as a "good day to you" can spark a riot.

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People Explain Which Things People Do In Public That Send Them Into A Rage
Image by gueluem from Pixabay

Humans are annoying. That is just the most truthful, simple fact about life. When people leave the sanctity of their homes it often feels as if all control of morals and behavior are lost into a void of despair. Between all the Karen, Chad and mask aversion videos running on loop, we have irrefutable proof of public bad behavior. And nothing can ruin a person's day (mostly my day) more than having to witness the public petulant nonsense on display.

Redditor u/Impaling-Heads was hoping we could all calmly discuss the actions we witness from humans that test all our nerves by asking.... What is something a lot of people do in public that angers you?
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Learning new things are the best part of daily life. And so many of us take the information we absorb for granted. People on the autism spectrum and autistic people in general are so much more attentive and appreciative of the simple things. When they have realizations and awakenings they take them to heart and implement them with so much more respect and ease, especially when in regards to adjusting to others.

Redditor u/_uncle_phil wanted to see if the autistic people writing and reading on Reddit would be interested in sharing some of their new found wisdoms by asking.... [Serious] Autistic people of Reddit, what is a social norm that you've just recently found out about?
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