in love

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It can be really easy to develop a crush. That’s because they usually happen before you really know the person you have a crush on.

Sometimes, when you really get to know the person you have a crush on, you find yourself falling in love with that person.

When I found out my first crush loved Harry Potter just as much as I did, I decided he was the boy I was going to marry.

Of course, since I was in second grade, things didn’t exactly work out between us, but I digress.

However, other times, getting to know the person you're crushing on leads to a piece of information that makes you instantly lose interest.

Redditors have plenty of experience with that and are ready to share.

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May this thread inspire you, not depress you. There's love out there waiting for all of us, in some form, so keep your mind and heart open, especially in these dark times. And if that fails, get a cat.

Raisas03 asked: When did you realize you were in love with someone?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Saying I love you is one of the most beautiful, exciting and excruciating moments in life. Saying those three little words can alter the course of many lives. They say it's best to friends first, to be best friends so that builds a foundation of trust. So why would it be so difficult to realize you love a friend and tell them? Probably because they may not respond in a similar fashion and that can make things awkward. But a large percentage of the time it's a risk worth taking. The proof is in the Reddit pudding....

Redditor u/SequelMcGee wanted everyone to tell us all.... What moment made you realize you had romantic feelings for your friend? 

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The things we believe we see when looking through the prism of innocence. We watch our favorite characters, whether they be fiction or flesh and bone, on the daily in childhood and they make us feel safe or euphoric.

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