improve society

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People Explain What They'd Like To Outlaw That Would Actually Improve Society
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

As Americans, as humans of the world, we are in some serious trouble. Society seems to be trapped in a constant hamster wheel of corruption and rot.

The sad part is that improvement can be easy, so easy.

They often say change is hard, I disagree; only accepting change is hard. The answer?

Stop being stubborn and angry and let change come.

There are so many options that could elevate so many lives in this country, in this world, just by being more nuanced with the law.

Let's discuss a few...

RedditorFriendLost9587wanted to hear about all the things society may need us to act upon, by asking:

"You’re allowed to make one thing illegal to improve society. What is it?"
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