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woman in white crew neck t-shirt sitting on gray sofa
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

As a kid, I never raised alarm bells even when I started to feel sick. My mom got stressed easily and was busy taking care of my younger brother, so I never wanted to be a burden by making her take me to the doctor only to find out nothing was wrong.

However, in fifth grade, my ears started to hurt and I knew something was wrong. I told my mom, she took me to the doctor, and I found out I had an ear infection.

Now, an ear infection isn't serious at all, and it was easily treatable. Still, I learned something from that experience: no one knows your body better than you. You know if and when you're sick and how serious it is, even if you don't now exactly what is wrong.

Redditors can corroborate this. Many of them have experienced symptoms that told them they were sick in some way -- usually with a very serious illness -- and are ready to share those experiences.

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People Break Down The Unwritten Rules They Wish Everyone Followed
Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Our upbringings are different, and as such, our behavior towards others varies wildly.

For example, how we treat our fellow humans is indicative of what rules we follow.

What do we consider to be polite? What do we consider to be an unwritten rule that we must follow?

These questions dicate how we act and what we consider the most important.

So it can seriously dig under our skin when someone doesn't follow those unwritten rules.

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I hate cancer—it has claimed too many lives.

I'm also deathly afraid of it. So that's a fun combination.

Until the day comes when we have a cure, the best we can do is to be vigilant with our bodies and our health.

If something feels off or if something pops up out of the ordinary on the body... get it checked out.

It's hard news to hear, but the sooner the better.

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A serious amount of introspection occurs when you're stuck at home with nothing but your Netflix watchlist and your thoughts to comfort you.

The pandemic revealed the best and the worst of humanity.
It cast forth all the good many did when the lockdown hit—first responders, scientists, public works programs, teachers, all forced to adapt to a new, slightly more dangerous, world.

We've learned a lot, and seen a lot, as evidenced by these stories below.

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People Describe The Most Uncomfortable Feelings They've Ever Felt
Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

You don't always have to be in pain to feel like you're in pain.

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