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Until we're in a situation, we'll never really know how we'll react.

I have been in this scenario, though.

Sex matters. And people rarely want to admit how much.

But sex isn't a lifetime guarantee.

It fades, as does love.

It's important to speak about it.

It can be a fixable situation.

A relationship without sex may not be the end of the world, but it's definitely a sign that something is off.

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People Describe The One Thing They'd Remove From The World To Make It A Better Place
Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

We all have ideas of what would make the world a better place.

"If only everyone had unlimited supplies of THIS," you might think. Or, "If only everyone had easy access to THAT," others might suggest.

You could spend hours making up what would make the world better if you could give everyone what they want.

Yet, not often do we think of what would make the world a better place if we got rid of something.

What if, one day, a particular thing was simply gone? Would that make life better?

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People Who Suffer From Mental Illness Share What's Been Most Difficult About Their Struggle
Stormseeker on Unsplash

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm

Mental illness still carries a great deal of public stigma.

Ignorance leads to a lack of empathy for those whose daily lives are impacted by disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar, clinical depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder and autism.

Education and empathy are key.

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People Divulge The Things They Underestimated Until They Happened To Them
Claudia Wolff/Unsplash

They say experience is one of the greatest teachers there is and these Reddit users would agree.

It's not always pleasant, but these are lessons these users won't forget.

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As someone fascinated by movies and Hollywood, I possess a significant amount of knowledge about celebrities.

The Golden Age of Hollywood? Yes. Modern-day performers? You name it.

I also have a morbid mind so as you can imagine, I have a lot of knowledge about celebrity deaths. I sometimes think about Heath Ledger, who died of an accidental overdose in 2008. What must it be like to die that way, and to die alone?

What about Bobby Driscoll, best known for voicing the title character in Disney's Peter Pan?

He died of heart failure, also alone, and his body was discovered in an abandoned building in the East Village of Manhattan. His body was later buried in a pauper's grave and remains on New York's Hart Island.

There are other tragic celebrity deaths that have captured the nation's–and even the world's–imagination.

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