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The Best Examples Of Someone Going From 'Genius' To 'Idiot'

Reddit user saigalaxy asked: 'What’s the biggest example of from “genius” to “idiot” there has ever been?'

confused man in blue t-shirt

Sander Sammy on Unsplash

My Father was considered a genius.

At 16 he graduated high school as Valedictorian, joined the United States Navy as soon as he turned 17 then was promptly recruited by Admiral Hyman Rickover's team converting the Navy from diesel to nuclear power.

He served as a nuclear and electrical engineer on naval vessels after the conversion project ended, then as a reactor inspector for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after retiring from the Navy.

He also needed a full time babysitter in order to survive. Things like paying bills, buying groceries, feeding himself all escaped him. He lacked any semblance of common sense.

Really smart people doing very unsmart things isn't uncommon.

And sometimes a person is labeled a genius who's really an idiot with good brand marketing.

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The Dumbest Things Men Did While Dating Their Soon-To-Be Spouses
Kyle Glenn/Unsplash

While dating is fun, trying to make a positive impression on the other person of romantic interest can be very stressful.

Regarding heterosexual males, they can sometimes try too hard when setting their sights on the endgame–which is making a woman fall in love with them in the hopes of marriage.

The guys who have wound up with their sweethearts may be the lucky ones, but it doesn't mean they narrowly avoided some missteps along the way.

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People Divulge The Dumbest Things Some Folks Actually Believe Are Real
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Humans are the dumbest species.

It's a scientific fact!!

Ok, maybe not THE dumbest, but we're up there.

How many times have you stood there, jaw on the floor, in a conversation or listening to a conversation and you thought...

Do you hear you?

It's a scary world out there when you hear what other believe to be true.

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We're all not geniuses.

Everybody has varying degrees of knowledge and brain power.

And that is ok.

Though some of us are really lacking in any sense and every once and awhile people like to sugarcoat that fact when they call us out.

"Bless your heart."

That's a big one in the South. Means... "I like you, but Lord are you missing marbles."

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People Share The Dumbest Reasons Their Ex Has Ever Given Them For Cheating
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Some people are just trash. And we can't help ourselves but fall in love with these fools. We give ourselves to them. We love them and teach how to love. And what do they do? They cheat.

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