i quit

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People Share Their Best 'F**k This, I Quit' Experiences
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

Everybody needs a job. And we all want careers.

But sometimes there is just no amount of coin in the world that can keep in a place any longer than a few shifts.

Almost everyone has had that one blip or three on the career map when you realized... "I gotta get out of here!"

Sometimes places of employment are just too toxic or ridiculous to deal with.

Redditor Sketch99 wanted to hear all the best stories about exiting stage left. They asked:

"What was your "F**k this, I quit" moment?"
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Some jobs are just a hell no! They may look like a good idea at first but once you arrive and you can sense the bad juju, it's time to flee the scene before your soul is vanquished. Sure we all need to work and earn a wage but at what expense? If you can actually afford to keep looking, keep looking. You step in for one minute and you feel the need to run just say... "Hey I tried. Blessings upon you all!"

Redditor u/jvhero asked the management staff of the internet to tell us few things about one day employees... Managers of Reddit, what's the fastest you've had a new hire quit?

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There are just somethings that occur over time in employment that are no go moment! One day you're gingerly doing what is required of you in the contract and then suddenly you're accomplishing feats of insanity flung at you without warning. And when those moments arise we have to either suck it up or stand up and say "Not today Satan! There isn't enough money in the world!"

Redditor u/itsLPUsoldier asked everyone on Reddit to tell us a few tales about employment by asking.... What's your "I don't get paid enough for this" moment?

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