i may need that someday

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People Share The Strangest Things They've Kept 'Just Because I Might Need It Someday'
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Sentimental value is a real thing. The certain objects we keep are like time capsules that harbor our nostalgia. So it can be very difficult to part ways with "things" that have meaning. So they live in boxes and closets for decades and it can be a cute anecdote. And then there are the items we hang onto that make us perfect for A&E's "Hoarders." For instance, if you're hanging onto hundreds of table clothes and you've only ever had one dining room table, you may want to take a minute and think. And "just in case" is not a reasonable answer for holding onto anything.

Redditor u/Malgaras was wondering what treasures and objects many of us are not prepared to part with "just in case" by asking.... What's the strangest thing you keep just because "you might need it some day"?
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