i m done helping

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People Share Their Best 'F*** It, I'm Done Helping' Experiences
Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay

We all want to do good in the world. We try our best to live our lives by certain mantras and codes such as, "Pay it forward, do unto others, be the light you want to see in the others".... all truths yes, but, we have to be careful, some people will milk your soul bare by weaponizing that good spirit. Humans are flawed, and some are just empty narcissists that live their lives by taking advantage of others. And the kind hearted often reach breaking points, because can only be burned so many times. Help, but be careful. Shield yourself first. And always... ALWAYS.... get it in writing!!

Redditor u/mofoxx wanted everyone to share about the times they realized they needed to peace out by asking.... What was your 'F*** it, done helping others' moment?
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