i love you

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Suppose you fall in love. You've been there before, right? Many of us have. Admitting your feelings can be one of the hardest things you do. Being vulnerable is not easy.

And you can only hope that the object of your affection responds to your words in kind. Suppose they don't? That's when things get awkward, even painful.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor Scrotonimus asked the online community,

"What is the worst way to respond to "I love you"?"
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My (15M) sister (17F) was voted ugliest girl of her year and it's crushing her. I need help on how to comfort her. First of all u/GladBus0 is the kind of sibling we all deserve and should be... and he has an issue he needs some guidance on. Listen close....

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Millions of people struggle with self-harm every single day. Their reasons are as varied and unique as they are. it's a dangerous tendency that people absolutely can overcome, but it requires a lot of work and support. Having said that, the self-harming person has to be willing to accept that help.

What do you do when you catch a loved one hurting themselves but they refuse to acknowledge it?

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Love is a beautiful thing. it is a core gift of life. To be able to find that one in a million person to spend this life and eternity with is something we all dream about. One of the worst feelings in the world involving love is not having the love you feel reciprocated. And hey... we've all been there. Thank God for vodka and good friends.... and Adele.

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The things we believe we see when looking through the prism of innocence. We watch our favorite characters, whether they be fiction or flesh and bone, on the daily in childhood and they make us feel safe or euphoric.

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