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The Worst Things People Have Ever Said During A Breakup

Reddit user MrDumpworth asked: 'Dear Reddit, what is the worst thing YOU have said during a breakup?'

We've all said things we regret.

Most often, when we find ourselves in situations where our emotions are in a heightened state, such as a breakup.

Indeed, though some people will go to every effort to end a relationship amicably, others can't hide their hurt, frustration, and resentment in the heat of the moment.

Resulting in their saying some unpleasant if not downright nasty things which may have felt good in the moment, but which they'll likely look back on in horror and embarrassment.

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People Divulge Which Types Of People They're Actually Scared Of
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The world is full of crazy people.

It feels like that more and more as I meander in my local shopping center.

But a little crazy I can deal with.

I want to discuss the people who leave an imprint of fear.

The people who lack empathy, remorse... and a soul.

You met many of those?

Redditor playmesomethinnice wanted to see who would fess up and discuss the person or persons that leave us shook. They asked:

"What type of people are you scared of?"
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People Share Common Signs That Someone Grew Up With Sh*tty Parents
Photo by Zhivko Minkov on Unsplash

Not everyone wins the parent lottery.

It's a hard road when you have parents who don't support you or are openly hostile to you.

And the nonsense and cruelty can be subtle.

Sometimes it's the subtlety that's worse.

Redditor snoofle-science wanted to discuss the ways we can all tell how others we're brought up by people who maybe should've rethought breeding. They asked:

"What is a sign you grew up with shi**y parents?"
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People Share The Most Hurtful Thing Someone Has Ever Said To Them
arash payam on Unsplash

Why would you even say that?

I think that is a question people really need to think about.

People seem to have lost control of their internal filter.

Even with good intentions, you can still inflict pain.

And just so everyone is aware, there is a difference between being truthful and flat out rude.

Words leave an impact.

It sounds dramatic, but it's true.

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People Break Down The Worst Thing That Someone's Ever Done To Them
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Unfortunately, we as people are capable of doing some pretty awful things. Worst of all, we are capable of doing said awful things to each other--to other humans, whose suffering we understand above all else.

The drive behind these things is unclear, variable, and sometimes totally absent. But hurt people hurt people. It's as simple as that, and sometimes, we are the unfortunate receptor of that hurt.

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