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People Recount The Most Hurtful Thing Someone's Ever Said To Them

"Reddit user em0gril asked: 'What is the most hurtful thing someone said to you?'"

Words matter.

That is a life truth ignored far too often.

I know emotions can run high.

But we really need to acknowledge how we use language toward one another.

It can have a life long-lasting effect.

Think before you speak. That is one of life's greatest mantras.

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People Share The Most Hurtful Things Anyone's Ever Said To Them

A Redditor asked: 'What's the most hurtful thing someone has ever said to you?'

Silhouette of a person looking towards the sunset
Chetan Menaria/Unsplash

Physical wounds heal but it's certain things people say with the intention of hurting your feelings that cut so deep.

Whether it's an insult or an unforgivable slur hurled by someone who can either be an acquaintance or a stranger, denigrating comments can have longlasting effects.

Even a family member or a significant other who knows you deeply can exploit your vulnerabilities or insecurities in the heat of the moment.

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We've all said things we regret.

Most often, when we find ourselves in situations where our emotions are in a heightened state, such as a breakup.

Indeed, though some people will go to every effort to end a relationship amicably, others can't hide their hurt, frustration, and resentment in the heat of the moment.

Resulting in their saying some unpleasant if not downright nasty things which may have felt good in the moment, but which they'll likely look back on in horror and embarrassment.

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young woman sitting on stairs
Photo by Leila de Haan on Unsplash

Insults are almost never necessary or called for, particularly directly to someone's face, in front of a whole crowd of people.

Even so, sometimes when a truly brutal insult is thrown at you, you can't help but appreciate it just a little bit.

Whether or not this was something this conversational bully came up with on the fly, or was waiting days, weeks, months or years to unleash on you, clever word choice is hard to ignore and not appreciate.

Including when the tables are turned, and you've come up with something wickedly clever, if not at all nice, to unfurl on someone you're conversing with.

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When parents see their children grow aggressive and resort to hitting and throwing things, they often tell their children to "use their words".

While violence is never the answer, this advice might not always be the best advice, as sometimes words can hurt much harder than a punch or being hit in the head by a flying object.

Indeed, some people are still finding ways to recover from things people have said to them in the past.

Be it a demeaning insult or learning news they hoped they would never hear in their lives.

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