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People Explain Which Topics They Think Should Be Off-Limits In Comedy
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Comedians are always pushing the envelope when delivering what they think is hilarious on paper.

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People Share Their Best Mom-Approved Dad Jokes

Two priests walk into a bar...

People Share Their Best Mom-Approved Dad Jokes
Getty Images - NBC / Contributor

A good laugh is hard to find, especially these days. To make someone laugh is the best way to break the ice and make them trust us, like us, and maybe even love us if we're lucky. Yes, 'Dad' jokes make us groan and roll our eyes, but they can also challenge our brains with their wit, wordplay, and punny-ness. Let's be honest, NSFW jokes are good, but Dad jokes are G-rate!

Redditor u/glitterywings asks:

What G-rated joke always cracks you up?

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Flight attendants are heroes. Let's be honest, when we fly, we're a bunch of babies. We need and need and... NEED! And if you think about it so have the rest of us as passengers. People! Get your behavior in check for travel! Please!

Redditor u/sophmorph wanted the employees of the sky do discuss a few things by asking... Flight Attendants of reddit, what's the most ridiculous passenger you've ever had?

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Daniel Radcliffe Explains Why He Might Never See 'The Cursed Child'—And We Totally Get It
Fred Duval/FilmMagic

Harry Potter is one of those cultural phenomenons that you can't really get away from - and that fans don't really want to. The franchise now includes books, films, merchandise, theme parks, and stage plays. You'd think the actors involved in the original films would be the biggest fans in the world - and they might be - but they know when to stay away from the Potterverse. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been making some serious waves in the theater community, but Daniel Radcliffe - Harry Potter himself - won't be seeing the show.

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