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A young man pulls a scarf over his head, hiding one eye
Photo by Ali Tareq on Unsplash

Sometimes attraction makes no sense.

But who hasn't been dumbfounded by the things that give others the tingle?

I have a friend, who finds men who yarn as a hobby... IRRESISTIBLE.

It's a strange thing to get hot and bothered over, but who am I to judge.

It seems like anything big or small can be a trigger, in the right places.

There is no rhyme or reason.

Just nature doing its thing.

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People Break Down Which Things Everyone Should Experience At Least Once In Their Life
Philipp Kämmerer on Unsplash

They say life is too short. That may be because there is so much to experience in one's lifetime, it's not possible to do it all.

But why not go out there and try as much as possible?

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Some details in life are just too harsh to talk about. But often the secrets that haunt us are the stories we most long to tell. It's all about unburdening. We all carry so much pain and shame and we long to shed it. The craziest part is that we have no idea that we're dying to talk. When we least expect it.... the truth will out.

Redditor u/SadisticFishyboi wanted to know who would be willing to share some dark details they've learned or about themselves by asking....

What's the darkest secret anyone has ever told you?[serious]

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The way we as humans treat others can often be horrific. It can be especially awful when we are causing pain with a purpose. We need someone to tell a secret or pay for a crime. But one awful act joined with another does not make anything right. And torture is just wrong no matter what.

Redditor u/Normie_trash_69 wanted to discuss the truth about the worst of humanity by asking..... What is the most horrific torture device or execution method you've ever seen, fictional or nonfictional?

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People Reveal Unsettling Facts About Our Bodies

The human body is a fascinatingly complex machine. Blood flows through our veins carrying oxygen and nutrients, our liver and kidneys remove waste from that blood, and electrical signals travel through our nervous system to make it all happen.

Some things about our bodies are a little less fascinating and a little more disturbing, though.

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