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On occasion, all of us look in a mirror and wish there was something about our physical characteristics that was different.

Being a few inches taller, having a different hair color, maybe a smaller nose.

But then, as we continue to stare at our reflection, we might suddenly realize there are some things about ourselves which we don't mind at all.

In fact, we might even be proud of our eye color, the shape of our ears, or having an enviable jawline.

For most people, finding their best attribute might not be so difficult to determine, owing to slim pickings.

But for those blessed with good genetics, choosing their best physical trait might be a bit more difficult.

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Everyone... EVERYONE should sometime in their life wait tables. It's not a lazy person's job or a stupid person's job. It takes skill and stamina and PATIENCE! We forget when we are customers that our wait staff are humans. They aren't Superheroes or servants. And special requests are getting out of hand!

Redditor u/Graceful_Swan_Ronson wanted the servers of the world to hold hands and let go by wondering.... Waiters/Waitresses of Reddit, what's the most ridiculous request you've gotten from a customer at your restaurant?

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