human body

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Sketches of the human anatomy
Annie Spratt /Unsplash

We all know that the human body is very complex.

But even with all the recorded and available science, there are certain things about our bodies that continue to elude us, and medical experts can still get stumped about how the human form reacts unpredictably.

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People Describe The Nastiest Thing They've Seen Come Out Of A Human Body
Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

We are complicated vessels that emit all kinds of liquids and other substances depending on the circumstances–the usual suspects being blood when we're injured, sweat when we hit the gym and tears when our emotions get the better of us.

Of course, that's not all we expel from our bodies.

But anything beyond what is mentioned above is not something we should ever have to experience or envision.

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People Describe Which Parts Of The Human Body Are Badly Designed
Dainia Graveries/Unsplash

Dear Nature,

WTF is the deal with eyeballs? Why would you make them so sensitive and then give me nothing to protect them with!?!

And don't even try to say eyelashes cause 1. No real protection and 2. MITES!?!? REALLY!?!?

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How high was God or whoever when they designed the human body? Clearly they needed a crash course in anatomy.

The body is amazing and resilient, but it can also be a hot mess.

Why are so many areas susceptible to pain? Like, one bad fall on a knee and you could be hobbled for life.

They should be more bulletproof. And the eyes, why so fragile when a wild eyelash gets caught in a blink?

So many questions. If the body was intended to last ten decades or so, it should be a bit more bionic.

Redditor MrBowls wanted to get into details about anatomy and it's issues, they asked:

"What’s the worst designed part of the human body?"
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People Break Down The Best Little-Known Facts About The Human Body
Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Every single minute, the human body sheds more than 30,000 dead skin cells.

That's nearly 9 pounds per year.

The heart beats 100,000 times a day or 35 million times per year.

And the average person produces enough saliva to fill 2 swimming pools in their lifetime.

These facts only scratch the surface of everything the body has to offer.

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