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This might not surprise you much but you should never trust the glass in hotel rooms.

A relative of mine refuses to use glasses and would rather drink out of cups she brings with her. She said it was because hotel cleaning staff are so stretched for time that they will clean the glasses with the same rags they'd use to clean the bathrooms.

When she said that, it put me off using glasses put out in hotel rooms ever again.

But that's not the only horror story from the land of hotels, five star or otherwise.

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Sleep is a human necessity.

So much so that without it, we die. To make sure we don't do that, our bodies will force us to sleep whether we want to and are comfortable or not.

Every now and then that means having a less-than-five-star sleeping experience.

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For many of us, hotels mean we're on an exciting out of town trip.

But imagine a new one every single day of the week, all over the country or the world. Would that waffle maker thing be enough?

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Hotel Workers Describe The Weirdest Things They've Ever Walked In On
Photo by Nik Lanús on Unsplash

Hotels can be great places to work, but it's definitely not always an easy job. Guests can be demanding, but they also get up to all sorts of freaky things behind closed doors. Often, they leave hotel staff have to deal with the aftermath.

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People Reveal The Dirtiest Hotel Room They've Ever Stayed In

One of the things I honestly miss the most about being a child is how blissfully unaware I was of just how filthy some places are. As a child I never got onto an airplane and wondered what that smell was. I don't recall a single time I walked into a hotel room, a friend's house, a restaurant, etc and ever contemplated how sanitary it was - or wasn't.

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