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Cleaning equipment in hotel hallway
Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty)/Unsplash

Staying at a decent hotel can be a luxurious experience–whether it's during a vacation or a business trip.

It's a temporary home away from home, and the change of scenery from the confines of your bedroom at home is like a breath of fresh air.

Hotel guests, however, tend to forget about the fact that the cozy hotel room they're staying in has hosted hundreds of other strangers before them–and the one constant is the housekeeping staff who see and hear everything.
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This might not surprise you much but you should never trust the glass in hotel rooms.

A relative of mine refuses to use glasses and would rather drink out of cups she brings with her. She said it was because hotel cleaning staff are so stretched for time that they will clean the glasses with the same rags they'd use to clean the bathrooms.

When she said that, it put me off using glasses put out in hotel rooms ever again.

But that's not the only horror story from the land of hotels, five star or otherwise.

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People Describe Their Worst Hotel Stay
Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

Hotels are weird, if you think about it for longer than five seconds. You're paying money to lay down on a pillow for sure a thousand other people have slept on.

Hopefully, the hotel has done their due diligence, cleaned the room as best they can, and provided excellent service to make you forget this fact.

It's when the hotel doesn't cover the previous tenants that we seem to find the biggest problems.

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Hotel Employees Describe The Most Memorable Things Guests Have Left Behind
Image by ming dai from Pixabay

The finite nature of a hotel stay can lead guests to behave in ways they wouldn't normally. And where there is saucy behavior, there are the artifacts left behind.

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Hotel Housekeepers Describe The Strangest Thing They've Ever Seen In A Guest's Room
Image by JUNO KWON from Pixabay

Staying in a hotel offers the guest a unique luxury: live exactly as you'd like--within the bounds of the law, hopefully--and then walk out without cleaning anything up.

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