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Doctors see things on the job that might make the average person's stomach churn. You have to have a strong constitution for this job, especially if you're working in the emergency unit, where anything can happen at any given moment.

Some years ago, I met a doctor who told me about all the things he had to fish out of people's butts because they'd... get things stuck up there. Needless to say, this is burnt into my brain.

We heard more stories after Redditor Naypotato asked the online community,

"Doctors of Reddit, what is the weirdest thing you’ve seen while at work?"
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Health is just one of those topics that everyone seems afraid to discuss.

I think a lot of us believe that if we bring it up, we'll jinx ourselves and end up with something that will leave us dead.

But we can't avoid our bodies.

They're all we've got.

So it's time for some adult talk about serious matters of health.

The more you know, the better prepared.

Because sometimes a headache, isn't just a headache.

RedditorFarAsICanTellwanted to discuss medical issues we should know more about, though it may scare us. Knowledge is power. They asked:

"What is a medical condition that is a lot more serious than it sounds/looks?"
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Hospitals are supposed to be places of healing and comfort.

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Doctors Break Down The Least Respected People In The Medical Community
Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

Growing up, at least in my family, a "doctor" was the most prestigious thing you could aspire to be when you grew up... and then I grew up.

So, if you're a new reader you may not know this but I have a MASSIVE family. Like my dad is one of a double-digit number of siblings. My grandmother on my moms side has even more. And most of them went on to have 5 or 6 children.

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Hospital Employees Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Ever Witnessed

Hospitals often see some of the most horrific moments of people's lives, including the end of their lives. When there is so much trauma and death in one place, you begin to see some unusual things.

Sometimes it's creepy things that bump in the night, sometimes it's just a marvel of the human body. Either case, it's quite scary to witness the often unexplainable.

We went to Ask Reddit to hear first hand accounts from the people who work in hospitals.

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