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Sign with an alien silhouette
Photo by Ai Takeda on Unsplash

Is there life beyond planet earth?

In all likelihood, yes, somewhere in some distant galaxy.

This of course leads many to assume the worst, that our future will be something out of Independence Day.

Unlikely as we all likely hope that scenario is, it's hard not to wonder if it may happen in the distant future.

Or, scarier still, aliens have made life on planet earth, and we've been living among them this whole time without even realizing it.

The possibilities are truly endless.

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People Break Down Which Horrifying Facts Seem Fake But Are Totally True
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay

When you're at a team-building event, it's best to come in locked and loaded with a great fact. Let's face it, some ice breaker is going to come along and you're gonna need something juicy.

But you--and everybody else suddenly thrown into their 11th icebreaker activity that year--have likely had enough of the usual interesting scientific facts.

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The zombie apocalypse and paranormal activity are undoubtedly terrifying enough to keep us up at night.

But the scarier things in life are the things grounded in reality.

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People Describe The Most Horrifying Sound They've Ever Heard
Image by Mandyme27 from Pixabay

Sometimes, it's the things you can't see that are absolutely terrifying and leave you frozen in fear.

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Some facts are fun. Some are obscure and historical, humanizing a once alienating and distant past. Other facts, however, or totally unnerving.

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