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People Break Down The Weirdest School Assignments They Ever Got

When you're a young student, a lot of the stuff that teachers do is confusing. You're forced to go along with the lessons they teach, the assignments they give, and the things they say.

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It's often been said to write down your feelings and your thoughts. Putting pen to paper can free you of life's emotional strongholds. It's always surprising to discover the freedom one finds when telling their story in a form of third person. You can feel the pain but it can't hurt you. Every once and awhile a simple homework assignment can turn into the vigorous waving of a red flag. And once that flag is flown the teacher tends to become the therapist. Educators really should be getting dual checks.

Redditor u/MyNameAlexUgh wanted to know from English teachers about warning signs in the work of their students by asking.... English teachers of Reddit, what is the most disturbing story/assessment a student has ever submitted?

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Disheartened Young Boy Calls 911 To Ask For Homework Help, And The Dispatcher Doesn't Miss A Beat ❤️
Twitter: @LafayetteINPD

When you're a kid stuck on a really difficult math problem, what can you do? It's not like you can dial 9-1-1 and get help, right?


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Yes nobody "likes" to do homework, or for the most part assignments at work. But for almost 96% of the population at sometime in life it is a necessity. But we all have those nights where it's just too much, too much wine, too much boredom or just not enough interest and we fall asleep before we can finish and then wake up too late to continue. So our mind races... "What excuse can we give? What seems plausible?" One thing is for sure... the dog is in the clear.

Redditor u/nooby32 wanted the teachers of the internet to reach out and tell us... Teachers of Reddit, what's the most ridiculous excuse a student has given you for not doing their homework?

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