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People Divulge Their Favorite 'Rich Person Hobbies'

We've all played the "What I would do if I was rich" game.

Admit it.

You've imagined a trillion scenarios for what you would do (after you paid off your debt, of course) with wads of cash. In your imagination, you've given money to friends, started charities or businesses, and probably bought your fair share of imaginary real estate.

And that's all just the basics. We haven't even gotten into all the rich-people hobbies you could take up like SCUBA golfing, sailboat customization, or learning how to melt down antique jewelry to make gem-encrusted bongs for yoga Wednesdays at the gym-slash-coffeehaus.

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People Explain Which Hobbies They Will Never Understand

The hobbies people have are just as diverse as society itself. Some border on the creepy, bizarre, or dangerous side, however. Growing up as a girl through the '90s this writer succumbed to the porcelain doll trend. My mother loved them so I was happy to collect them too.

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People Share The Absolute Easiest Hobbies To Pick Up
Joice Kelly/Unsplash

It's been an exhaustive year of trying to find what to do in quarantine. There have been puzzles galore, Netflix show after Netflix show, and an enormous amount of podcasts listened to on neighborhood walks.

It might be time to start looking at some new hobbies. If you're running out of things to do, interested in trying something new, or just plain bored, this is going to be the list for you.

But what's out there? Well, we went to Reddit to find out what are some hobbies or interests that are actually fairly easy to get into that maybe we haven't though of yet.

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People Break Down Which Hobbies Are Totally Dying Out
Darren Bockman/Unsplash

Since we've been in lock down, it seems that everyone is coming up with new hobbies. Whether it's baking bread, gardening, puzzling, or roller skating, people are seeking something to pass the time.

Although, some hobby's seem to be a passing fad, slowly fading into a select niche group.

User aliensockmonkey went to Ask Reddit to find out:

"What's a hobby that's dying in popularity?"

Maybe the industry is dying, or maybe they're things we grow out of as we become adults. Either way, some of these hobbies aren't sticking around much longer.

Here's a few hobbies that are falling by the wayside.

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People Who Found Their Passion Later In Life Explain How They Figured It Out
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Everyone talks about how the 20s are supposed to be the time of our lives. And that's largely true. But it's not all wine and roses.

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