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Hobbies are often things that we enjoy with others, or at least don't feel the need to keep secret from those around us. Sometimes family and friends just don't get it, though, and it's easier to just live your best life in secret than to deal with the probing questions or possible ridicule.

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Kid Creates Impressive Parachutes And Tests Them Out Using His Teddy Bears In Viral Video
Forrest Hall/YouTube

Every kid has a hobby, but some are definitely more involved than others. Forrest Hall has taken up one of the most involved hobbies possible:

He designs his own parachutes, and uses his stuffed animals as test subjects to determine their effectiveness.

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People Reveal Which Hobbies They'd Love To Try But Cost Way Too Much

We need hobbies to keep ourselves from losing our minds. Hobbies of any variety keep us engaged, forcing us to learn something new. However, one reason or another comes up and we never get around to them as much as we'd like. Time is a big factor, family and friends taking up spots, or, as is most often the case, you have no money to pursue your passion. But, what if there were no limits? What could you do?

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Everyone who has any free time has hobbies. Some of us crochet or knit, some play video or tabletop games, and some of us take day-long naps when we can. There are any number of things that we humans can do to take up our free time, but all hobbies are definitely not looked upon the same by society.

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