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Hitchhikers Describe The Most Memorable Ride A Stranger Has Ever Given Them
Photo by Atlas Green on Unsplash

Hitchhiking. It has to be one of the most dangerous things a person can do.

There are too many movies where a hitchhiker falls victim to some psycho, and they're shocked it's happening.

Like... Hello?!?! You got into some stranger's car. How could you not get killed?

Also, all throughout childhood years we tell kids to NEVER get into a stranger's car.

But once we're 18 that rule seems to no longer apply.

I feel like it should be MORE prescient in adulthood.

But I'm sure all the survivors have quite the tale to share.

RedditorWestTexasOilmanwanted all of the road travelers to share some memories about past rides. They asked:

"Current or Former Hitchhikers of Reddit; What person that stopped or gave you a ride was the most memorable? Why?"
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