history buffs

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Historical Events That Are Hard To Believe Happened

Reddit user ThrowAwayMyLife2341 asked: 'What are some events in recorded history that are extremely hard to believe, but without a doubt actually happened?'

Collection of maps and atlases
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

While we may not all enjoy studying history, we all have certain types of stories that interest us, and one that seems to catch everyone's attention are the hard-to-believe, almost far-fetched tales.

Interestingly enough, history is full of these stories, leaving many to believe that reality is truly stranger than fiction.

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History Buffs Break Down Little-Known Historical Events That Actually Shaped The World

We must learn and appreciate the history that has come before us; or else we are doomed to repeat it. Truth in knowledge. That reason alone makes historical knowledge imperative. It is fascinating to know the drama of life. There are so many turning points that crafted the way we live, it's criminal not to be aware.

Redditor u/Kalehfornyuh wanted to hear from all us history geeks. Let's teach people some lessons. it was asked..... History buffs of Reddit: what historical events dramatically shaped world history but for some reason are nearly forgotten about?
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Women are criminally underrated, they always have been. Even when we laud them for their historic accomplishments we still tend to play down the gravity of their contributions. There are way to women we need to know more about. Know your history people.

Redditor u/daaaaaahling wanted to know all about the ladies we don't know enough about by asking.... Who is an underrated woman from history who needs more exposure?

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