historical figures

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We're taught about all kinds of historical figures in school, and told why they're great. Copernicus realized the Earth revolved around the son, Newton discovered gravity, and Paul Revere warned Americans that there was to be a British attack.

What we're not told is that many historical figures we idolize were not great people. Yes, they accomplished some great things, but they also committed some horrible acts.

Redditors are ready to burst our bubbles about those historical figures we thought were all-around great.

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People Share The Historical Event They Want To Know The Absolute Truth About
Mr Cup / Fabien Barral on Unsplash

The historical record is vast and changes as we make new discoveries. Our understanding of many historical events is far more different now, even stronger, than it was years ago.

But there are still so many things we do not know and barring some crazy new discovery or admission from players with the right knowledge, it's likely that certain answers might be lost to history altogether.

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The number of people killed during World War II is staggering... about 70 million for those of you who don't know.

For comparison there are only 19 countries today whose current population is bigger than amount of people that died in six years of war.

Crazy, huh? Don't underestimate the impact of this event! History is fascinating.

People shared more information after Redditor alfawolfvii asked the online community,

"What are some crazy WWII facts you know?"
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There's no doubt that John Steinbeck was a hell of a writer. It didn't hit me so much when I first read Of Mice and Men–to be fair, I was a bit young for that one–but it felt more apparent when I read The Grapes of Wrath some time after that. And it really struck home for me when I picked up East of Eden and devoured it in a matter of days.

“And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good," he writes at one point. It's a pretty popular quote these days–I mean, I'm quoting it right now, aren't I?–but it's a pretty hard-hitting thing to read when you realize that you're living up to impossible standards.

People shared their favorite quotes with us after Redditor krito-OP asked the online community,

"What's your favorite quote?"
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People Share Their Absolute Favorite Historical Facts
nonbirinonko from Pixabay

When we think about learning history, our first thought is usually sitting in our high school history class (or AP World History class if you're a nerd like me) being bored out of our minds.

Unless again, you're a huge freaking nerd like me. But I think we all have the memory of the moment where we realized learning about history was kinda cool.

And they usually start from one weird fact.

Here are a few examples of turning points in learning about history, straight from the keyboards of the people at AskReddit.

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