historical facts

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Historical Events That Are Hard To Believe Happened

Reddit user ThrowAwayMyLife2341 asked: 'What are some events in recorded history that are extremely hard to believe, but without a doubt actually happened?'

Collection of maps and atlases
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

While we may not all enjoy studying history, we all have certain types of stories that interest us, and one that seems to catch everyone's attention are the hard-to-believe, almost far-fetched tales.

Interestingly enough, history is full of these stories, leaving many to believe that reality is truly stranger than fiction.

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History is one of those subjects that often gets a bad wrap because of all the dates and cities we had to memorize to pass a test in high school. But when we actually take a look at what our history entails, it's pretty interesting.

Some historical details are so interesting, in fact, it's hard to believe they aren't made up.

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People Share The Most Ridiculous Historical Facts They Know
Photo by Jayne Harris on Unsplash

A long time ago, in a land far, far away (AKA Ancient Greece), it was believed that redheads turned into vampires when they died. This was because redheads are naturally pale and sensitive to sunlight, both of which are characteristics of fabled vampires.

This is known as a ridiculous historical fact. I only know it because of research I did for a paper back in high school.

Apparently, there are a lot of ridiculous historical facts, and Reddit users know a lot of them!

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People Share The Scariest Examples Of 'History Is Written By The Victors'
Mr Cup / Fabien Barral on Unsplash

We are in a cultural reset.

And it's not going as well as hoped.

It takes time to relearn.

And it takes a complete unplug and start over to accept that everything you've been told has mostly been fiction.

History has been woven by the those who needed us to see it a certain way.

That's called indoctrination.

We don't have time to get into to all of it.

We probably never will.

But let's scratch the surface.

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There are over 190 countries around the world today and each one has its own fascinating history. Many people love to travel to far off lands to learn more about these places. But are they always getting the full picture, especially if that country has a sordid past?

Many of us know about the genocide that took place in Rwanda nearly 30 years ago just as we know about the way that Chile's leader, Pinochet, would disappear his opponents. But that's just scratching the surface.

People told us some creepy facts about their countries after Redditor Dantehasabig_ asked the online community,

"What are creepy facts about your country that most foreigners wouldn’t know?"
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