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What do we really know about famous people?

Not much if we're honest.

But that doesn't stop us from prying into their lives and dissecting and destroying it.

It feels like society needs to have people to build up and tear down.

Is it that we all need an enemy?

Or is it just another form of reality tv?

So many people, celebrity and non-celebrity have been heaped on with vitriol.

Their lives often take a downturn.

Then in hindsight, upon re-examing, we learn maybe society went too far.

And those people too were just trying to survive.

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Person holding a handful of coins
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

No matter how happy we are with our lives, most of us can think of at least one thing that we wish we could have done differently.

Even if that just means starting to do the same things a little bit sooner.

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It's so easy for us to get caught up in the negative things in our day-to-day lives, whether it's a bad day at work or an ended relationship, but it's important to remember what else we have going for it.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to listen to the people we look up to, and let their words help us move through the tough time.

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People Share The Weirdest Rule Their Parents Made Them Follow As A Kid
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

When you're a kid, most of the time, adults make no sense. Parents always seem to devise arbitrary reasons to stifle fun under the guise of "safety and concern." Of course, the best reason I most often recall is... "because I said so!" That one in particular always seemed a little fishy to me. But if we knew what was good for us, we acquiesced. However, in hindsight, every so often, parents have some weird motivations.

Redditor u/Korn_makes_me_horny wanted everyone to tell us about the times in childhood parents made some "questionable" decisions by asking...
What's the weirdest rule your parents made you follow as a kid?
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