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Reaching 50 is a life goal.

Getting to that milestone is something we should all aim for.

So many years, so much life lived.

Which means there is so much story to tell.

Who can't help but look back and advise about how to do it better?

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People Explain How Their Lives Would Change If They Won $20,000
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Money matters.

Don't let people fool you when they say it doesn't.

Yes, it isn't everything.

And yes it can corrupt.

But it can also be immensely helpful.

It's especially helpful in large sums.

A windfall of cash in any amount can be life-changing.

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The satisfaction of knowing we helped out someone's situation, no matter how big or small, has a way of making us feel better about ourselves.

That is until we discover what exactly we were "helping" with.

Be it an internet scammer or a dishonest friend, sometimes we find that our money or time might not have gone to the cause we expected it to.

Or was donated under false pretenses...

These experiences can be so frustrating, that it can actually cause some people to stop helping others ever again.

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Why do humans doubt the inner voice?

Or that sickening feeling in the pit of our stomachs.

That's our intuition at play.

Some are more in tune than others, though.

And most of us just act like it's not there.

But when we do listen, when we do take that feeling seriously, it can save lives.

The gut knows.

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We all want to help out our friends, and so when they ask a favor of us we are always ready and willing to help.

Well, maybe not always.

For sometimes, the favor in question might not exactly be helping assemble a bookshelf, or help move a sofa, but rather something a bit bizarre.

Possibly affecting our eagerness to help.

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