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Woman sitting on chair
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

CW: Depression.

We all find ourselves hitting a rough patch every now and then.

Sometimes finding ourselves getting into extremely dark places.

As a result, raising the edges of our mouths to form a smile takes what feels like insurmountable effort, or finding the motivation to stand up and get out of bed seems utterly impossible.

Until that is, we find something which can get us out of our funk.

Nothing particularly noteworthy, but just a simple, even everyday thing, which is all it takes to make smiling suddenly seem like less of a burden.

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People Share The Often Overlooked Signs Of Depression
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Life can be a very dark place.

And the loneliness is often overwhelming.

It can be very difficult to reach out for help.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

If we pay attention to our own red flags we can make great progress sooner.

Redditor Specktakles88 wanted to share how we need to be aware of depression. They asked:

"What are some overlooked signs of depression?"
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People Describe The One Stranger They'll Never Forget
Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash

Life is really tough right now.

It's never been easy, but the world is such a disaster, it's really hard to have faith in humanity.

We need to help one another.

And often times the greatest help comes from a complete stranger.

We all leave an imprint on one another, good or bad.

Some leave a more permanent one than others.

Redditor nyxflare wanted to talk about the people from our lives that left a lasting impression. They asked:

"Who is one stranger you still remember?"
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People Explain Which Small Gestures Impacted Them The Most
Photo by Jem Sahagun on Unsplash

Any small act of kindess can save the world.

And we need them now more than ever.

Redditor No-Fig-8614 wanted to share about what minor actions have great power. They asked:

"What small gestures impact your life the most?"
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People Describe The Creepiest Message We Could Ever Receive From Outer Space
NASA on Unsplash

What is waiting for us in outer space?

Do we really want to know?

I don't. But we should probably figure it out.

Just in case we are not alone.

And any missive sent from above would worry me.

But knowledge is power.

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