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Woman making the shape of a heart with a stethoscope
Photo by Patty Brito on Unsplash

We can all agree that there is something to appreciate about every country in the world, but there are arguably some countries that appear to have their ducks more consistently and happily in a row than others.

While it would be easy to let pride get in the way and continue to do things the same way, the more productive thing would be to learn from the countries who have figured out a better way to do certain things, whether it's healthcare, food banks, or other services.

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Follow the doctors orders! How difficult is that rule? Why am I even asking? We're currently in a health crisis because people won't wear masks strictly because doctors say so. It's maddening. If you're not gonna do what the medical professionals say, then why even bother wasting your time and theirs? Why rack up the medical bills that most of us will ever be able to pay. Just stay home with scotch tape and prayer. Let us know how that works out.

Redditor u/vitortrv reached out to all the medical professionals here to see who wanted to vent about the foolish actions of some patients by asking..... Hospital workers of reddit, what was the dumbest thing you saw a patient do immediately after leaving?
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roc_and_rollHuman beings contain an unbelievable capacity to oppose their own well-being in pursuit of a preserved ego.

This holds true even when discussing the best approach to personal health with the person most qualified to help. People are crazy.

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Doctors Share The Worst Thing They Have Ever Experienced At Work
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For most of us, a bad day at work might mean a missed deadline, having to fire off a few snarky "per my last email"s or maybe a snoozefest of a meeting. For medical professionals, a bad day at work can mean literally the worst - or last - day of someone's life.

These are those stories.

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People Reveal Which Things They Believe Europeans Are Better At Than Americans

There has always been a pretty healthy sense of rivalry between Americans and Europeans. Each side generally thinks that it is the superior one, and it can lead to some interesting conversations.

There are definitely some things that each group is better at, though.

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