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People Confess The Best 'F**ck You' They've Ever Given To A Boss They Hated
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

We've all had to deal with a boss or manager who we never exactly saw eye to eye with.

Knowing that keeping our job depended on keeping them happy, the most we could do was shrug off their irritating behavior, force a smile, and get on with our work.

Providing, of course, that their behavior didn't surpass the basic standards of human decency.

But when that happy day arrives that you find yourself with an even better job, and a boss whom you actually respect and admire, it gives you the opportunity to let your true feelings be known to your soon-to-be former employer.

While some choose to take the high road and leave as diplomatically as they came, others have no fear of leaving with a gesture that makes no effort whatsoever to hide their feelings.

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In May 2018, former congressional candidate Jazmina Saavedra chased a transgender woman out of a Denny's bathroom. Now, months later, she's posted a Facebook live video complaining that she's being "bullied" by the LGBTQ community, which seems a bit ironic, considering she's still able to use her bathroom in peace.

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