harry potter

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People Explain Which Things They'd Like To Add To The Harry Potter Lore
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

One of the best things about art — any art — is that it sparks our own imaginations and lets us take something that exists and change or add to it. Songs can be set to new music, paintings can have new backdrops, and sculptures can have new meanings.

One of the biggest forms of art that can be changed or added to is literature. Characters can be given new motivation, the conflicts can be rewritten, and the world can gain more backstory. This doesn't mean we don't love or appreciate the way a book was written; it just means we love it enough to explore a different path.

The Harry Potter series is a great example of this. Many fans of the series have created their own stories, theories, and art depicting their own versions of the characters, the plot, and the history.

These fans have also added some amazing and hilarious things to the Harry Potter world and lore that are just waiting to be discovered.

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As the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump reaches its final phase, many Americans feel Republicans have intentionally tried to hide evidence to protect Donald Trump from the constitutionally mandated consequences for his actions.

After Republicans voted to make this the first impeachment trial in history that will feature no new witnesses or evidence, all that's left before a vote on whether or not to acquit is each sides' closing arguments.

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People Explain Which Fictional Character's Death Hit Them The Hardest

Warning: This article contains character death spoilers for books, films, and television shows.

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People Debate What Doesn't Make Sense In The Harry Potter Universe

No story is ever perfect. Every movie, tv series, book and sometimes a song will leave some questions unanswered. Often it's a clever point of the art to not tie up every loose end but, sometimes it's odd, or even poor storytelling by forgetting an arc or character and not leave emptiness that could be answered. J.K is pretty brills so let's assume she knows every unanswered point.

Redditor u/GreendayG11 wanted to hear from the Potterheads out there to about some story points that don't always add up by asking.... What just doesn't make sense about the Harry Potter universe?

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What would Harry do? Who would Harry be? What wold be his "normal" profession? Maybe one day we'll find out. At the moment J.K. Rowling doesn't seem interested in continuing Harry's story. So fans are left to ponder mere "what ifs." And the Potter fanatics are definitely creative about what Harry would face in life.

Redditor u/squasharito wanted to hear from all the "Potterheads" about what could be the next chapter in the mystical lexicon by asking.... Harry Potter is nearing middle age, and wizard or not, has to deal with the banalities of adulthood, what are the names of some of his later books?

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