harry potter

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People Share The Most Ridiculous Things Their Parents Ingrained In Them As A Kid
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Parents generally mean well, but sometimes the stuff they lead their kids to believe are more than a bit farfetched.

Whether it's passing on old wives tales they heard from their parents, or convenient lies to get kids to behave a certain way, you shouldn't believe everything your parents told you.

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People Imagine What The Worst Part About Attending Hogwarts Would Be
Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Even when J.K. Rowling isn't making random additions to the canon of the wizarding world––and the moments when she isn't, at least these days, seem few and far between––there are a slew of problematic things about Hogwarts, and today's burning question from Redditor MagicNoodle ("What's the sh*ttiest part about attending Hogwarts?") is an indication that attending the place would probably not all it's cracked up to be.

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It's always a fun idea when we look at our favorite worlds of entertainment fantasy and wonder.... what if all of our favorite characters could somehow interact. How cool would that be? Or maybe at the very least the beloved scribes fashioning the stories could take a strike in a different make believe world. One writer I believe anyone would let run amok in any world, reality or fantasy would be literary Queen, Ms. J.K. Rowling. Can you imagine?

Redditor u/bogblocker wanted to discuss a possibility that many Potterheads would need Xanax to discuss by asking.... If Marvel's superheroes were made by J.K. Rowling, what unnecessary characteristic would she had given them?

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J.K. Rowling Crushes Troll Who Criticizes Her After She Gives Writing Advice To Her Fans 🔥
Dave J Hogan/Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

It should be common sense to not pick a fight of words with an author, right? They practice with those weapons for a living. An anonymous troll learned the hard way not to try and spew hate at J.K. Rowling.

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Having a romantic relationship with someone who has a very different style of communication can be a challenge. Making it work requires effort and compromise, it requires fearlessly facing your own feelings and insecurities - ok most relationships require that, but you get the point. It's not easy. But what do you do when those different communication styles start to eat away at something you used to love doing together?

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