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Sex and love.

The heart, the brain, and the body can fall into a "love daze."

Maybe because we've been taught to place too much importance on these matters.

Life can be very fulfilling with love and very complete without them.

But Reddit had a few things to say about dispelling some common misconceptions.

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People Break Down The Biggest Benefits Of Being Single

Reasons to be single #1... you avoid monkeypox, apparently.

#2... all your money is yours. And Uncle Sam's.

#3... more room in bed.

#4... the list is endless.

Not to be down on love, love is great.

But love doesn't have to be the full journey.

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People Divulge Which Things Intended For Children They Really Enjoy As An Adult
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Do we ever really grow up?

Thankfully not.

And many of us relish some special piece of our childhood.

I don't know why we would have to give up what make us happy.

This whole notion that once you hit a certain age, certain parts of life are inappropriate, is silly.

For example, I will always not love riding in a shopping cart.

Redditor taylortaylortaylorrr wanted to hear from everyone about what simple things we really enjoy that are meant for a different age bracket. They asked:

"What is something meant for children that you still enjoy as an adult?"
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People Share The Most Nostalgic Things From Their Childhood
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Oh to be a child again.

There are very few people who don't have a memory that runs through their thoughts every so often, which makes them reminisce about their childhood.

Be it staying up way past your bedtime in a blanket tent to watch a scary movie for the first time, or waking up at Christmas hoping that Santa didn't forget the Power Ranger action figure that you can never find in stores.

It's hard not to look back and smile at the good old days every now and then.

Redditor agentMICHAELscarnTLM was curious to hear what memories instantly sent the Reddit community back on a nostalgia trip, leading them to ask:

"What’s something you can bring up right now to unlock some childhood nostalgia for the rest of us?"

How high could you go?

"That feeling when you are going as high as you can go on the swings."


"Freedom? "

"Hard to describe."- zazzlekdazzle

"What's your function...?"

"Conjunction Junction."- HarlanCulpepper

Before there was facebook.

"That sound of a door opening and shutting on AIM when your friend logs on."- Consistent-Candy6277

in trouble lol GIF by Nicky Rojo Giphy

Snow Day!!!

"Getting up in the morning on a day it snowed to watch the list of closed schools across the bottom of the news/weather channel hoping your school was closed."- cmokelley213

Does anyone still have a VCR?

"When you'd watch a VHS and it would say 'and now your feature presentation'."- Mickthemouse

A gift bag perennial

"Chinese finger traps."- JbunnyThumper

bart simpson help GIF Giphy

Incentive to avoid mistakes.

"An eraser that looks and smells like a very fake strawberry."- zazzlekdazzle

Just don't push too much...

"Flintstones push pop ice creams."- Reveries25

Sleep in? Pffft!

"Waking up super early on Saturday morning before the rest of the family to watch cartoons."- helltothenoyo

"Mom, I think I have the flu..."

"Watching the Price Is Right when you were sick at home."- mayhemy11·

It goes without saying that there are numerous things about being a child that no one misses.

But oh, the things we wish we could do once more.

Then again, are we ever too old for swings?

People Explain Which Things The United States Actually Gets Right
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

America is in quite a state right now.

We are hurting in ways we've never hurt before.

And getting better doesn't seem like an option on the horizon.

America gets a lot wrong everyday.

But, maybe let's try to focus on what America does right.

Maybe it can be a little comfort in times of struggle.

People from all over the world want to live here.


Redditor Ulrich-Stern wanted to discuss the best of America. They asked:

"What does the United States get right?"
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