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People Explain How They'll Be Safely Celebrating Halloween During The Pandemic

Trick or Treat! But 6 feet back please!

People Explain How They'll Be Safely Celebrating Halloween During The Pandemic
Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash

Halloween 2020 was all set up to be the Halloween to end all Halloweens! Its on a Saturday, its going to be a Full Moon and.... it's daylight savings thereby giving us all an extra hour to party! This sort of miracle may never happen again! But of course 2020 has to extinguish any spark of fun or frivolity! So now we have to make contingency plans to try and salvage some sort of spooky pleasure. Let's see how creative we can be....

Redditor u/THeReISnoCarOL-inHR wanted to discuss how we're gonna get through Halloween 2020 by asking.... How will you be celebrating Halloween during this pandemic?
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Halloween is famous for occasional costume mishaps but an Alabama woman is taking things to a whole new level. She had bought a $3 pair of zombie teeth to complete her undead flesh-hungry costume. She used the glue that came with them to make sure the chompers stayed in place. Unfortunately, the glue worked a little too well.

Anna Tew explained that she tried to remove the teeth herself until 2 a.m. when she finally decided that she may need a little extra help. She found a dentist, Dr. John Murphy, who was able to see her the following morning to help her remove the teeth.

She explained to local news station WKRG:

"He talked about drilling. They had a saw, talked about taking them off in sections, and they couldn't numb it because they were scared they would actually pull my teeth out. So he went in and picked and pulled and I squealed like a baby and they got them out."

Dr. Murphy explained that the shape of some people's teeth and/or gums can cause these types of fake teeth to get stuck. Tew, for her part, said that she'll never wear fake teeth like these again.

People were amused.

Others seemed confused.

And most seemed to have assumptions about where she must come from.

It's probably never a good idea to glue anything into your own mouth.

H/T: Twitter, Fox News

There's nothing better than funny Halloween costumes.

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To quote the patron saint of spookiness, Vincent Price: the Witching Hour is close at hand! As Halloween approaches, everyone's looking for the creepiest costumes, but few people are giving a lot of thought to the scariest make-up. Fortunately, YouTuber Taylor Richard came up with an amazing, mind-bending idea that will leave everybody stunned come All Hallow's Eve. What if a person's entire head was flipped upside down?

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Hocus Pocus, the 1993 Disney movie which follows the antics of three villainous witches brought back to life in Salem, Massachusetts, cemented its reputation as a beloved cult-classic over the last decade or so.

It became so fondly-remembered, in fact, that the cable television channel Freeform just announced it will be hosting a celebration on Saturday, October 20th, to commemorate the movie's 25th anniversary!

And you'll never guess who will be dropping in...

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