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The Expensive Purchases People Don't Understand How Anyone Affords

"Reddit user StalkSmash asked: 'What is one thing that you flat out just don’t know how people afford?'"

A young woman dressed in high fashion attire, carries tons of shopping bags
Photo by freestocks

The way people spend money has always fascinated me.

For many years I waited tables.

I worked in high-end, low-end, and all of the in-betweens.

And what would shock me most (besides all of y'all's BAD behavior) was the waste.

The waste of food, but more importantly the waste of money.

How does someone order a $50 steak, only eat half and toss out the rest?

No doggie bag. No leftover.

It must be nice to have that much coin to toss away.

Redditor StalkSmash wanted to discuss everyone's shopping habits, so they asked:

"What is one thing that you flat out just don’t know how people afford?"

Premium liquor choices always stun me.

When a certain friend can just casually order a $30 martini because of the vodka choice, without blinking, I'm stunned.

Jealous first, then stunned.

Stay Home

Hungry Night Court GIF by Laff Giphy

"People who eat exclusively by ordering takeaways or delivery from restaurants. It's mind-bogglingly expensive."



"Secret hidden families. I can barely afford 1."


"At my last job, a woman told me her (ex)husband had a secret family. She found out when I guess the mortgage company called to ask about some documents for the new house. No idea what he did for work. Wife, two kids, a house, and whatever the bonus family consisted of."


"My dad did this. He had started a company in another city within the state, as that was where the industry prospects were better. Aaaaaaaand time rolled on past and I guess he missed having family around, just not ours."


Bad Upkeep

"Eyelash extensions and the upkeep of them."


"I got them. They took 2 hours to put on initially and then you have to go back every two weeks to get them filled or you look like you have mange."

"You also have to brush them every single morning or they will point in every direction, and God help you if you have a cold or allergies where your eyes get even slight build-up. You can't just pick any crusty s**t from your eyelashes because the fake ones are glued on and this acts as a stopper so you can't just slide it off your lash."

"I spent so many mornings standing in front of the mirror cleaning and arranging one f**king eyelash at a time. I couldn't deal."



"I still don't know how we afforded daycare. At one point had two kids in daycare for a year before oldest went to kindergarten."


"We have two kids in full-time daycare, the daycare that we go to is slightly below market rate for the area, we're going to pay around 25k this year. Thank God my oldest goes to kindergarten next fall."

"We overpay on our mortgage because we're trying to pay it off quicker, but if we paid the actual loan amount daycare would cost more than our house."

"And let me be clear, my wife and I are the lucky ones. We waited to have a kid until our late 30s, and I was 40 when kid 2 was born. We both have good careers and make good incomes and it's a serious, serious financial stretch for us to be able to afford it, I honestly don't know how other people do it and there's no way I would have been able to afford two kids even 7 or 8 years ago."


For Fun

Shark Week Ocean GIF by Pudgy Penguins Giphy

"A boat or RV (or both)?! I can barely afford to exist much less spend all this money on recreation."


Boats have always been an issue.

Just remember the Titanic.


Face Botox GIF by Montreux Comedy Giphy

"Women who keep up with nails, lash extensions, Botox etc. That crap is expensive as f**k!"


Up in the Air

Flying Music Video GIF Giphy

"First-class airfare... it’s just so overwhelmingly expensive in comparison to regular seats I can’t imagine anyone ever having that amount to spare unless you’re incredibly wealthy."


International Worth

"International First Class tickets. I'm going to Japan in a month and was thinking of going in style. I got a nice raise and a bit of vacation time saved and wanted to treat myself. Forget it all. $17k was the cheapest I found. Absolutely insane!"


"Buy economy than wait. They will send emails out to bid on the business and first-class seats that are not sold. Or you can check on the airline's app for seat upgrades closer to the departure date and upgrade cheaper."


Special Days

"Multiple-family foreign holidays per year. To be clear, I'm not criticizing anyone on this, and I appreciate that if you leave in mainland Europe, it's easier than here (Scotland)."

"I am just genuinely amused/bemused when I see people on their 2/3/4 foreign holiday of the year on social media."

"We went to Portugal last year (Fantastic country, btw). 2 adults 2 kids (the eldest boy was playing in a football tournament), and it was probably £3.5k and that was done cheaply. We don't go into debt for a holiday ever, though."


Getting on in Years

"Eldercare. $300 a day is about typical for most states, and it goes up if they need special care (dementia, etc)."

"3/4 of Americans who live to 21 live to 65, of which 2/3 will need long-term care for an average of 3 years. Maybe not all long-term care is nursing level, but some of it is even more expensive -- memory care, etc. Comes out to roughly $150k per person-- and almost double that if you limit it to those who need any at all. Somewhere between a generous down payment and a new house. Who can afford that -- especially after decades not working?"


First-class has always been an intriguing aspect of mine.

But that extra coin can get crazy.

I'll stick to coach.

The Pettiest Reasons To Break Up With Somebody

"Reddit user xxarisx asked: 'What’s the pettiest reason to break up with someone?'"

A woman's hand holds a pink paper heart that is on fire
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Love doesn't always mean forever.

That is the more concerning part about chasing the dream. It comes with no guarantees.

Anything and everything can change in an instant.

That person you look at so lovingly for hours on end can one day turn into a troll in your eyes.

They might stand in front of the fridge, wasting cool air while trying to figure out a snack.

(Like, how hard is that to decide?)

They may leave the toilet seat up or wet, or both.

They could have night terrors that shake the walls.

All grounds for dismissal for some folks.

You never know someone until you know.

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