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People Reveal Which Things They 100% Judge Someone For

Reddit user dolphinsR4evr asked: 'What is something you have a hard time not judging people about?'

man wearing Nike camouflage t-shirt

Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

The Bible advises people to judge not, lest they be judged.

Which seems to have been lost in translation for too many purported adherents to its teachings.

On a secular level, we're told to not judge a book by its cover, but sometimes...

Sometimes it's hard not to get judgy.

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Young people jumping
Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

When talking to a friend who brings up one of our favorite books, celebrities, or tv shows, we often find ourselves saying we're "obsessed".

Our excitement is often met with a sneer from our friend, but we don't give it much thought.

Owing to the fact that even if they're better at containing their excitement than we are, deep down everyone has an obsession of some sort.

Naturally, it's not particularly healthy to be "obsessed" with anything, as nothing should take up the majority of our time.

Even so, if one were to take a very close look at society as a whole, we might find that just about everyone has an unhealthy obsession they just can't break.

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Man yawning
Photo by Miikka Luotio on Unsplash

We've all found ourselves annoyed by the ticks or habits of others.

Some of these are fairly common, such as chewing with your mouth open, cracking your knuckles, or whether or not they pronounce the "T" in often.

Some habits are a bit more unusual, though.

Only the people guilty of possessing these habits might not realize that they're unusual until they are told by someone else that practically no one, or literally no one, else does them.

It's an eye-opening, sometimes humiliating discovery.

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