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Straight Men Confess How They'd React If A Gay Man Hit On Them

"Reddit user FregeanCoder asked: 'Straight men, how would you react if a man hit on you?'"

It can take a lot of courage to put yourself out there and let someone know you're interested.

As long as they're not creepy, aggressive, or crazy, it should be flattering, right?

If you're straight and a person of the same gender as you flirts with you, this should be easy to deal with.

In most cases, it took a lot more courage for them to ask than for you to hear.

The following question has been asked to many a straight guy over the years.

Let's see how the times and reactions have progressed.

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Flustered woman
Siora Photography/Unsplash

Not everything has to be spelled out for people.

You may be at a function where the issue at hand isn't appropriate to address, or you're among acquaintances–one of whom is about to have a surprise birthday party planned for them.

Although there are ways to convey something in a surreptitious way that is understandable, not everyone has to capacity to clue in on these types of covert discussions. But when it comes to people subtly expressing amorous intentions, it doesn't always land.

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People Break Down The Things That Men Refuse To Tell Women

Our thoughts are sacred, and when someone asks at any given moment what we're pondering about, we are not under any obligation to invite them into our heads.

There are various reasons for this.

Some are too personal, while others are more or less out of caution to avoid disrupting the status quo.

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Men Confess The One Attribute They Hate Most About Being A Guy
Photo by Kylo on Unsplash

"This is a maaaaaan's world!" **in my very best James Brown voice**

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Women Describe The Most Cringeworthy Thing A Guy Has Done To Get Their Attention
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Oh gentlemen, why are you so extra? When did just saying hello and you're pretty become too boring to make an impression? Guys, you need to calm down. Not all attention is good attention. You don't want to sour the possibility of love by freaking somebody out.

There is such a thing as class and decorum and they go along way, especially in this day and age.

I feel like we need a class in high school that focuses on how to communicate feelings. In particular, feelings of a more amorous nature.

Redditor u/doubleu01 wanted all the ladies to speak up and let the gents know what not to do, by asking:

Girls of reddit, what's the cringiest thing that a guy has done to get to you?
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