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People Break Down The Weirdest Thing A Guest Has Ever Done At Their House
Jimmy Nilsson Masth/Unsplash

Having house guests can be awesome!

Some of my best childhood memories were when the primos would come to stay for a while. Now that I'm an adult, having my kids' cousins come for a visit is still one of my favorite things!

A house ringing with the laughter of guests and loved ones just hits the heart, you know?

This article is not about that. This article is about when guests get ... weird...

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People Describe The Most Disrespectful Thing A Guest Has Ever Done In Their Home
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

When you open the doors to your home, you would expect the guest would treat your property as if it were their own.

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People Describe The Weirdest Thing A Guest Has Ever Done At Their House
Photo by vu anh on Unsplash

I grew up in a household where it was customary to remove your shoes upon entering. To me, it made sense.

I assumed every family preferred not to have gum, spit, mud – and who knows what else – tracked into their homes from the outside.

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Hospitality Workers Break Down The Worst Thing They've Ever Found In A Guest's Room
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

A hotel room is a unique concept.

On one hand, it is an inherently temporary piece of property. A guest is exactly that--a guest. They stay for some interval of time and leave the room behind for another guest to occupy it again in the future.

And yet, there is a strange feeling of privacy and ownership felt by the guest throughout the stay. It's "their room" even if that's not exactly true.

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People Recount The Worst Mess A Guest Has Ever Left In Their Home
Photo by Jason Abdilla on Unsplash

It is universally understood that an invitation to someone's home is an honor.

Whether it is a family member or a friend, a guest entering a person's private property should treated it with the utmost respect.

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