growing up

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The Biggest Misconceptions People Had About Adulthood

Reddit user Caseated_Omentum asked: 'What's the biggest misconception you had about adulthood?'

Shocked little boy wearing dress clothes and holding a book
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

When we were kids, we could not wait to grow up. We had big dreams about what we were going to do and who we were going to be, and we could not wait to get started.

But there were some things we were expecting that were totally off the mark, too.

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high school students
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

No two people had the same high school experience.

Some of us just can't wait to put the years of popularity cliques, varsity jocks, and drama club nepotism behind them, and find themselves flourishing in their college and professional careers.

For others, high school was the greatest time of their lives, and they remain BFFs with their high school friends and would give anything to spend their afternoons chilling at their local hangout, getting drunk under the bleachers, and reliving their senior prom.

With some exceptions, these are the people who have trouble adjusting to life in college, even professionally.

Some might even say, these are the ones who "peaked" in high school.

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Men Explain Which F**ked Up Things They're Supposed To Be Okay With Because They're Men
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Why are men forced to be things they're not?

We are too far along as a society not to let the boys grow and evolve.

A good cry, a good laugh, a song, hug, a dance it out... can help anybody.

Or maybe just watch an episode of 'Grey's Anatomy.'

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Kid reaching for a strawberry on the kitchen countertop
Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

There's no official manual on how to raise kids since every household has different protocols that have been passed down between generations.

And while general rules like "no running around the house" or "finish your plate or you get no dessert" may sound familiar, there are those that are so specific, they almost make no sense.

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Metal bowl filled with scallops
Photo by Adrien Sala on Unsplash

Most of us can remember at least one food or meal that absolutely repulsed us as children.

But just the way we had to grow up, sometimes our palettes had some growing up to do, too.

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