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People Explain Which Meals Absolutely Traumatized Them As A Kid

Reddit user zZoZo- asked: 'What meal traumatized you as a kid ?'

child being fed
Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash

We may have many fond memories of childhood that center around food.

A favorite meal, a special celebration dinner, simple comfort foods, baked goods enjoyed with grandparents or holiday feasts.

But not everyone is blessed with culinary talents. And some cooking impaired are responsible for feeding children.

For those kids, memories of meals might be more trauma than beloved tradition.

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People Divulge Why They Lost All Interest In Someone They Were Pursuing
Photo by Sarah G. on Unsplash

CW: Domestic violence.

Losing interest in someone is a part of life.

It can happen in an instant.

You can be madly in love at midnight, and then at 12:10, you're running like Cinderella on fire from the ball.

"Let them keep the shoe!"

Pursuing someone isn't easy.

Because love isn't a guaranteed win.

And the more you learn, the less you may want.

It all can be a cruel universal joke.

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People Break Down The Worst Sitcom Characters Of All-Time
Photo by mahdi chaghari on Unsplash

Define the "worst?"

Are they the worst comically or truly horrendous?

Do we root for their crazy antics and snappy dialogue?

And do we still love them no matter what they seem to do?

Reddit was here to share their thoguhts.

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People Break Down The Worst Experiences They've Ever Had At Someone Else’s House
Photo by Eric Muhr on Unsplash

One of the great things about ZOOM is that it's given us the ability to visit with others more frequently.

And we get to mingle from the comfort and SAFETY of our own homes.

You take your life in your hands when visiting other people's places.

I've seen family brawls.

Marital destruction after years of bliss.

And once I accidentally became witness to the theft of a shoe collection.

Not to mention, no toilet is cleaner than your own.

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People Break Down The Most Cringeworthy Tattoos Someone Could Get
Photo by Lucas Lenzi on Unsplash

Tattoos can be art. Body art that is.

But tats can also be over the top.

There is such a thing as too much, too weird, and too obscure.

But, everyone is entitled to do whatever they want their bodies.

But whatever reactions you get, you get.

Some tattoo ideas are just very out there.

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