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People Break Down The Worst Feelings Of All-Time
Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

We all have different pain tolerances. One individual's joy is another's joint and back pain. Depends on the threshold, and what we're willing to accept and put up with. Once that level is hit, it becomes a hell you can't escape from.

And the worst part? That pain might come and go, a wave ebbing against you, pushing you.

Some solace you can take is you're not alone in feeling pain.

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.

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Louis Tomlinson Helps An 83-Year-Old Man Check Items Off His Bucket List In Emotional New Music Video
Louis Tomlinson/YouTube

Louis Tomlinson released a new music video for a song titled "Two of Us" yesterday, and it has his fans feeling some feels.

In the video, Louis Introduces 83-year-old Richard and the pair go about crossing off some of the items on Richard's bucket list.

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A Poignant Note This Mom Gave Her Daughter's Husband On Their Wedding Day Resonates Even More After Her Death
Grief To Hope with Nikki Pennington/Facebook

Are you ready for some feels?

Because you are about to have ALL of them.

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Losing a pet can be devastating. Over their short lives they become family members and provide comfort in difficult times. In exchange, we try to give them good lives. Vermont couple Cynthia and Robert Peterson decided to do something special for their six-year-old dog Finn.

Stitch shared with us the bittersweet way a family is saying goodbye to their beloved pet.

They explained that Finn recently got a cancer diagnosis.

Cynthia told the BBC:

"We've turned a devastating experience into an empowering one. We've made friends with people globally whose dogs also have cancer."

She also explained:

"He helped me through the grief when my dad died and now he's dying of cancer, too. It's a hard blow but really powerful to look back at how he got me through those times and now I'm going to help him."

Finn has not responded to chemotherapy and is estimated to only have six to eight weeks left to live. Cynthia is planning to write a children's book in his memory. They've also been processing their grief by interacting with other pet owners who've lost their beloved animals to cancer using the hashtag #CanineCancerWarrior.

We got a glimpse into the Peterson's life with Finn.

They even shared some of the things on the bucket list.

And his humans explained the gifts Finn gave them.

People were touched.

Many related.

Losing a pet is so hard. We wish the family and Finn our best in his final days.

H/T: Twitter, BBC