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Man raising his arms to the sun
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

There are countless things we just can't wait to get over with, and are beyond grateful when we finally get them taken care of.

Going to the dentist, replacing the washing machine, and mowing the lawn just to name a few.

Unfortunately, our relief is in the grand scheme of things short-lived as these are things we know we will have to do again.

There are other times, however, when we let out an even deeper sigh of relief.

As these were the things we often wish we didn't have to do in the first place... and couldn't be more thankful that we will hopefully never have to go through it again.

A true one-and-done experience.

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Sometimes, we truly never know how lucky we are.

Particularly when we might be disappointed to have missed out on something, only to learn after the fact that it was something of a miracle we did.

As the saying goes, we "dodged a bullet".

This could be for something trivial, like being late for a concert owing to traffic, only to find out it was a real stinker, or having to cancel a trip, only to discover how terrible the weather was the whole time you would have been there.

In other cases, the bullet you dodged may have been an actual life or death situation.

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People Describe The Closest They've Ever Come To Death
Jennifer Bedoya on Unsplash

There are many things we take for granted that we should be thankful for.

Our health, having a roof over our heads, loyal friendships, and having food on the table are all things that are not always guaranteed in life.

But perhaps the biggest thing to be grateful for is having another day to live–which is something that has not gone unnoticed by those who've experienced a brush with death.

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People Reflect On Which Aspects Of Their Lives Are Going Well
Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

Self reflection is a critical skill. When we reflect on our lives, our work, our academics, we actually learn more about ourselves and can improve in the future.

Not only that, but looking at the positive aspects of life can actually improve your health.

The Mayo Clinic says positive thinking can reduce stress and depression, increase resistance to the common cold, improve cardiovascular health, and even lengthen your life span.

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People Explain Which Things Everybody Might Not Realize Are Actually A Privilege
Image by ElasticComputeFarm from Pixabay

Privilege is discussed quite a bit these days, and for good reason. So many people are able to live life longer, more peacefully, and freely than others thanks to factors they had no control over.

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