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People Divulge The Most Unsettling Data They Discovered That Google Stored About Them
Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

"Big Brother is watching you..."

The famous words from George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, which tells the story of a world governed by omnipresent surveillance.

Today, however, many people are under increased paranoia that their every step is being monitored by the government, or by the world's largest corporations.

Not helping their fears, is when people look back on information collected by their Google data, and see that virtually every step they've taken has been documented.

Even things some people might not remember doing themselves.

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Staying healthy can be a daunting task. None of us wants bad news but we have to keep checking in with the body to make sure it's still functioning. Trying to figure out the best way to stay alive can be anxiety inducing. Not every headache and joint pain is cancer but.... sometimes it's something worse. Try to err on the side of caution, see a doctor, WebMD may be right once in a blue moon but it's not what you should rely on.

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Doctors of Reddit, what is your worst case of "I googled my symptoms?"
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Google Just Added 53 Gender Non-Binary Emojis To Its Roster

Google is releasing 53 new gender-fluid emoji as part of a beta release for their Pixel smartphones this week.

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All new emojis must be approved by the Unicode Consortium, which often receives submissions from companies like Apple and Google on what the next emojis should be. In a victory for the disabled and LGBTQ+ communities, the Consortium has announced 2019's new emojis will include many symbols centered around inclusion.

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