good people

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People Describe The One Stranger They'll Never Forget
Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash

Life is really tough right now.

It's never been easy, but the world is such a disaster, it's really hard to have faith in humanity.

We need to help one another.

And often times the greatest help comes from a complete stranger.

We all leave an imprint on one another, good or bad.

Some leave a more permanent one than others.

Redditor nyxflare wanted to talk about the people from our lives that left a lasting impression. They asked:

"Who is one stranger you still remember?"
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People Describe Which Small Achievement They Would Actually Like A Pat On The Back For
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

On the internet, people tend to say things they likely would not in the real world. The anonymity of a forum or comment section--composed only of verbal contributions beneath made up names--compels us to socialize with less inhibition; we take more risks with the peers we can't see in the flesh.

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People Share Their Craziest 'Oh F*ck, My Best Friend Is A Terrible Person' Experiences
Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

When people show you who they really are... be ready to run. That is a mantra of life. We have all been bamboozled by the art of the grift. When the grift is humanity it's hard to hard to recognize. A best friend is chosen family, that chooses you as you are, so, that is why it is that much more heartbreaking when a BFF is exposed in cruelty. When someone is a no... then no.

Redditor u/cbvv1992 wanted to hear about the times we've all realized our ride or die was a problem by asking.... What was your "oh fuck, my best friend is a bad person" moment?
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There are still good people in the world; good people who want to do good things. It's hard to hold onto that hope when everytime you turn on the TV or even have a phone call with someone you thought you knew better makes your mood nothing but gloom. But angels are amongst us, and we can all be one ourselves. Just try.

Redditor u/my_man_44 wanted to hear about some of the bright spots in humanity in these gloomy times by asking.... What is the most wholesome act of kindness you have ever experienced/seen?

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A series of YELP reviews can make or break a business.

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