good deed

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People Break Down The Most Wholesome Thing A Stranger Has Ever Done For Them

There can be perks to being a human. Yes, there are a lot of downsides, and I'm sure we all sometimes wish we could trade our lives with a dog, but there are positives. All of the wholesomeness that comes with helping others, and putting good energy into the world, deserves some recognition. Here are some of the best stories of people helping out their fellow man.

u/TheGingerGlasses asked: What's the most wholesome thing a stranger has done for you?

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Your road of good intentions will lead where such roads always lead. No matter how pure and good your intent, something is waiting around the corner to basically smack you across the face.

At least, that's how it feels. No matter how many good deeds you do, you can never really catch any sort of break. It makes you want to go back inside forever.

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