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People Explain How Their Lives Would Change If They Won $20,000
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Money matters.

Don't let people fool you when they say it doesn't.

Yes, it isn't everything.

And yes it can corrupt.

But it can also be immensely helpful.

It's especially helpful in large sums.

A windfall of cash in any amount can be life-changing.

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People Break Down The Worst Holiday Presents They've Ever Received
Stte Funn on Unsplash

For most children, the holidays are all about presents. And as some people grow older, the holiday season is still all about presents.

Unless you're playing Secret Santa and present exchanges come from a place of mischief, you would hope that the person you're genuinely giving a gift to would be appreciative.

But because we've been given tacky presents at one time—despite the gift giver's good intentions—we know there's a chance that we too could fail at Christmas.

But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

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Men often get the feedback that they are impossible to buy for.

This might be because men are socialized to not reveal the things that make them the most vulnerable--so people have trouble getting to the bottom of what they like.

However, if the right people listen, they can figure it out.

They can also figure it out if they ask.

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They say a diamond is forever. But is it just a saying or is there a modicum of truth to that?

Gifts are meant to aid or to lift the morale of the receiver, if they're done well. A good gift will completely re-tool the life of the person it's given to and it will stay that way.

But which gifts are the ones that truly last?

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People Share The Most Unexpected Birthday Gift They've Ever Received

For my fifteenth birthday (which is a pretty big deal for my culture) I got dumped. In the middle of the dance floor at my birthday party. While wearing an enormous white poofy gown. Because he had a baby the whole time and realized he wasn't going to be able to keep lying about it. Oh, and also he thought my mom was hot and it was weird for him.

He sprung this all on me directly after handing me my birthday gift, so it was like a 1-2 combo. Buddy hit me with the ol' 2 piece and a biscuit.

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