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People Who Have Been Called Out For Ghosting Someone Share Their Side Of The Story
Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay

All you have to do is say.... "I'm just not that into you!" "I've moved on." "I will call the police, go away!" Ghosting is so petulant and it only causes more harm then good. Just explain, even a quick... "not now. NOT EVER!" I know life gets hectic and really, we don't owe people anything, but shedding a little light and a little decency goes a long way. And PS... if you're the one whose been ghosted....take a hint and move on. Be grateful you dodged a bullet.

Redditor u/till-mann wanted some answers, answers we've all been waiting for.... they asked.... People who are ghosting other people, have you ever been called out, if so, how did that make you feel?
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People Explain Why They Had To Ghost Their Best Friend

Sometimes, your best friend can accidentally become a toxic relationship.

That toxicity can take many forms. Co-dependency, emotional manipulation, cheating, backstabbing--unfortunately sometimes, it just happens.

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People Who Ghosted Their Former Life Reveal Why They Left
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Many of us wish we could leave behind the troubles in our lives and start anew. But most of us don't take the plunge.

It's possible, and it was the basis for today's burning question from Redditor mufahasa, who asked the online community: "Redditors who've ran away from/ghosted on their previous lives as an adult what was your motivation and what is your life like now?"

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In the world of modern dating, real honesty is shockingly rare. It's hard enough to find even in positive situations and even rarer when there's bad news to deliver. Oftentimes, instead of telling a date they're not interested in seeing them again romantically, people will simply "ghost" each other and let their silence do the talking.

One Tinder user, however, impressed his date by being honest and upfront about how he felt things had went.

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