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People Who Work With Dead Bodies Share Their Best Ghost Stories
Photo by Sacre Bleu on Unsplash

Working around or alongside dead bodies is not a job everyone can handle.

Indeed, it takes a strong stomach, massive discipline, not to mention bravery.

Of course, most people who are brave enough to work as a doctor, nurse, coroner, or a mortician usually also have a high level of compassion as well, honoring the life of the person they are working for.

Particularly if they are superstitious, and wonder if that very person might still be in the same room with them, just out of their bodies.

An idea easy enough to laugh off, but indeed, many of these people have first hand experiences of haunting, sometimes scary encounters of finding themselves in the presence of spirits.

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People Describe The Most Paranormal Thing They've Ever Experienced
Image by Peter H from Pixabay

As much as we'd like to assume spirits, ghosts, and paranormal happenings are relegated to movies and books, plenty of real-life stories abound.

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Do you believe in ghosts?

Most people are skeptical. After all, there is no conclusive evidence that ghosts exists. Mediums can be easily sniffed out as charlatans or opportunists, looking to profit off of people's grief.

Yet this little nagging voice in the back of our heads continually asks...what if there's some truth there?

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People Reveal How They Would Mess With Humanity If They Were A Ghost

Being a ghost would be an excellent opportunity for pranks. Being incorporeal and/or invisible means not getting caught, and presents a plethora of new ways to mess with people.

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'Game Of Thrones' Fans' Desire To Have A Dire Wolf Of Their Own Has Left A Particular Dog Breed Suffering Greatly

The dire wolves of Game of Thrones aren't a fantasy concocted by George R.R. Martin, who conceived the series. They were once real.

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